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Sound Mixing / Sound Design / Music Editing

Dê Kelm – EICTV

Cuba | 2017 | Fiction | 17’

• 13º Festival de Cinema Latino-Americano

  de São Paulo, Prêmio Mostra CIBA-CILECT

While Cuba faces the death of Fidel Castro, Ana Maria decides to return to her natal village in Chango’s Day to meet her younger sister again.



Sound Design / Mixing

Aristeu Araújo – Casu Filmes / Haver Filmes

Brazil (RN) | 2018 | Fiction | 21’

• 8th Noida International Film Festival (Índia)
• Tlanchana Fest 2019 (México)
• 5º Cine Jardim
• Cine Drive-In Natal, 2020

Ana moves to a new town to live with her father who has Alzheimer's disease. Ana is applying for the University and likes to make videos. Ana refuses to forget.



Mixing / Sound Design

Débora Olympio, Dê Kelm – Haver Filmes, Fiocruz VídeoBrazil (PR) | 2019 | Documentary | 22’

• 9º Olhar de Cinema 2020

  Prêmio AVEC PR Destaque do Júri
• 22º FestCurtasBH

Sickle cell disease is the name of the set of diseases caused by a genetic change in blood cells. It mainly affects the Afro-descendant population and, despite being the most common hereditary disease in Brazil, is unknown to the population and many health professionals. The short film brings a set of accounts of those who experience illness, pain, racism, but also living. accounts of those who experience illness, pain, racism, but also life. 


Sound Design

Simone Mesquita, Rei García – Doc & Rio

Brazil (RJ) | 2019 | Documentary | 71’

• 8º Festiver Festival de Cine Verde de Barichara

Brazilian scientists traveled to the frozen continent of Antarctica searching for our ancestors. Their cameras told these 70 days of work, despite the cold and tightness of living space where each one could film each other.



Original Soundtrack / Sound Design / Mixing

Juliana Sanson – Guaipeca Filmes do Brasil

e Tropical Entretenimento

Brazil (PR) | 2018 | Fiction | 15’

• 20º Festival Kinoarte de Cinema | Melhor Som
• 19ª Goiânia Mostra Curtas
• 12º Festival de Cinema da Lapa
• 6º Festival de Cinema de Caruaru

Jussara and her family leave the countryside in order to live in the city. Now they have difficulties adapting to a completely different world.


Sound Design / Mixing

Dê Kelm – Haver Filmes

Brazil (PR), Cuba | 2017 | Documentary | 12’

• IDFA 2017 | Special Jury Award for Student Documentary
• Guanujato IFF 2018 | Best Documentary 
Short Film
• FICCI 58

There is a foreign breeze in Cuba and the island is invaded by a tsunami of lenses to register Fidel’s death. A Cuban girl is thrown in the middle of what will turn into a media circus. Consciously, or not, she carries 57 years of a heavy history on her back. For how long will she be able to carry the Revolution’s weight?




Original Soundtrack

Aristeu Araújo – Haver Filmes

Brazil (PR) | 2015 | Fiction | 23’

• 7º Festival Internacional de Cortometrajes

  Piélagos en Corto (Espanha)
• 8ª Mostra Outros Cinemas (Fortaleza)
• 2º Tlanchana Fest (México)

  Menção Honrosa na categoria Ficção

Luis is on the road, but we don’t know where to. On the way, a letter addressed to Foz do Iguaçu. In the letter, a mystery. 


Original Soundtrack / Sound Design / Mixing

João Ricardo Paulinho
Brasil (RN) | 2021 | Experimental | 5’’

• 14º Curta Taquary | Best Poster

• 32º Curta Kinoforum Festival Internacional de Curtas Metragens de São Paulo

Summer comes to an end in the tropics and twilight begins in the City of the Sun. The turn of the decade is a trance of nostalgia, light and darkness.



Sound Design / Mixing

Alejandro Perez – EICTV

Cuba | 2017 | Documentary | 13’

• 32° Festival de Cine de Mar del Plata |

   Mención Especial de Cortometraje Latinoamericano

Carlos lives in isolation, deep in the mountains of the Sierra Maestra in Cuba, after an entire life of working on the high seas. His daily life is devoted to working in the field, memories of another time and his animals, the only travelling companions of this man who is a castaway on land.

Talk to me

to collaborate on creative projects together.  |  +55 41 99675 5808
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